Alberto J. Arredondo-Chavez
Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics at Haverford College.

207 Chase Hall
Haverford College
Haverford, PA
Welcome! I am a Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics at Haverford College. I joined the department of economics in 2020 after completing my PhD at the University of Michigan. I am a macroeconomist with particular interest in the individual firms’ decisions and their interactions with economic policy. In my current projects, I focus on the investment, inventory stocks and financing choices of the firm. I am also interested in solution and estimation methods for macroeconomic models and economic history, so let me know if you have any literature recommendations.
On this website you can find my updated research, cv, and some posts and notes related to the research topics that interest me and the courses I teach at the college. These include a few time-series graphs that I update periodically to keep track of them. You can find my contact information at the bottom of this page. Please feel free to email me with any comments or suggestions related to this site or my research work.
Research Interests
Macroeconomics, Computational Economics, Economic History
Hiking, Photography and my dog Popcorn